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ALSO READ: What is the spiritual meaning of cats in dreams? You're absolutely SPOT ON about this "birthmark" having a simple, yet, deep meaning. Or history. Reading a birth chart is a learned art. I have a craft birthmark.. but its not witch craft it actually looks like a crashed aircraft that links to a past life. 4) You're perseverant and self-disciplined. Starseeds are highly intuitive. By nature I feel peoples emotions and other things I dont feel comfortable sharing since it has been very painful trying to understand . Turns out Im a a healer. They awaken humans to their spiritual calling and destiny. This denies them the chance to engage emotionally with others. Psychic Birthmarks: How to Determine What They Mean Lu have all the palm sogns listed and Orions Belt on my index finger. In addition, Orion Starseeds have unique markings on their skin that identify their uniqueness. Not every Orion starseed will have these . Using Lavendars work as a foundation, I was able to identify starseed markings in the birth chart for additional star systems! An Orion Starseeds word is good enough for any purpose. On my left hand theres 4 xs under my index finger healers marks both hands letter m in both palms the intuition line on left hand is severed from a sliver that required stitches at age 5 that my aunt kept.. she has teeth from my dad and sister. They also may get agitated when someone they dont know tries to advise them. They wouldnt want you to bulk under the yoke of your struggles. Which does the infinity symbol connect from? Due to the intense energy this star system produces, many starseeds struggle to adjust to life on Earth and feel disoriented or overwhelmed. Orion starseed karma integration: The first step is to find the root of the issue. Knowledge makes them feel comfortable. Here is a summery of the traits of an Orion Starseed. (Could also be two of them, right index.). Star systems have personality traits that are important in understanding yourself. Ultimately, they seldom get bored due to their strong interest in exploration and adventure. . These starseeds are characterised by being in their mind most if not all of the time, for they are extremely mentally polarised. You could see it when I was in suit. Read more about Julia Lundin. Nothing is random. They are here to help humanity achieve its full potential. Very young hands women like and small but strong After doing the charting am Leo Ascending. Im just beginning to wake up, I feel, and become my True Self as my 9 year old daughter says. Exploring relationships as an Orion starseed can be enlightening and a journey of self-discovery. They often feel things more intensely, so they need time for themselves; especially in nature or with animals. They can do very well in a competitive business environment. I can make them all pop up because they are veins .also looks like a runic symbols or big or little dipper too, I have a vivid blue 2 inch elongated oval like shape on my left wrist top side, doctors have been mesmerized by it my whole life and everyone that sees it asks if its a bruise and if Im being hurt and I always say itll be there every time you see me.I have all the other marks n palms listed as well Ive been awakened and nothing all ever be the same in this life again. Some Starseeds find unusual markings on their bodies which are often from past lives. birth charts to identify starseed markings for friends, family and for various online spiritual communities with a surprising rate of success. Then this guide is for you! This guide is for you! Orion Starseeds Souls are truly unique and special in many ways. Mysterious Body Markings that Look Like Orion's Belt - reunitingall.com Orion prefer to think things through before acting on them. I have 2 Reiki master friends who have been calling me their powerful friend for years despite my not knowing what the heck they were meaning. I have all of the markings on my palm and I have 2 perfect Orion constellation freckle arrangements on my mid back. Some sages and seers claim these markings are placed there as a reminder to the incarnated being. If you have a lot of these, then chances are, you have a Pleiadian lineage. All three sides of the triangle are exactly the same size. Those who achieve optimum potential are spiritually aware and can explore all perks of their journey, for example, telepathy, channeling, and healing. Lastly, the Procyon starseeds are the rarest type of starseeds present on Earth, whereas the Pleiades are the most . All Rights Reserved. As a result, many Orion starseeds find success in workplaces where teamwork and collaboration are prized above creative individualism. If you connect the dots they form a perfectly correct pentagram. Sending you lots of love and blessings . How To Find Your Pleiadian Starseed Markings | In5D : In5D We recommend looking at your palms for an easier way to detect your magical abilities and past lives. Arcturus influences my subconsciousness and how I interact with the collective consciousness. Other birthmarks or moles might be symbols you carry with you as sacred dedication to a specific god or goddess OR to witchcraft in general (like a triple moon, rune, etc.) 16) You have strong root and sacral chakras. I have a big mole on the left side if my head right above my ear, Ive always called it my witches mark before I even knew there was such a thing.. When I asked my guides what my connection to Atlantis wasthey said, You ARE Atlantis. These highly intuitive people can assist you when you struggle with difficult life situations. Or while awake or or or another or other or others or sometimes or usually. We assume that our origins would influence our conscious mind but that is not always the case. But, more than this, they come into our world to help us deal with our pain and suffering. Any suggestions? Before I knew that I was an Andromedan Starseed I had the same questions. And they became human so they can experience what it is like to be human in the physical world from an orion starseed perspective.. Orion starseeds have a white skin tone and are tall + slim, but not necessarily or always or often or usually . I feel this way .. if Id been raised to be aware from a child . Common starseeds include: Sirians, Orions, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Andromedans, etc. They are also truthful and sincere, and follow logic in solving their problems. A birthmark appearing on the face is considered to be a sign of beauty. Born on May 3rd, 1997 in New York City, NY. However, Orions true mission is to teach humans how to bring balance to their logical and scientific side. Its funny how it formed just this past year or so when I had my awakening . Many witches find they are also of starseed origins. Orions are truly funny, smart, spiritual beings when they are in balance with their higher self. Great article. 34 powerful signs you're a Lyran Starseed (and what it - Nomadrs I also connect with what most call archangels. Our advancement since the days of the earliest caveman can largely be attributed to these Orion Starseeds. Ive done stuff, seen even stranger ones, and Im really lost. The Starseed Experience, Traits and Characteristics - Dimension 11:11 Being that Im a female Ive never had a bald head so Im just now seeing it. Ive just always have known since I was a child that I was a witch..I have the healing marks under both of my pinkie fingers also.. All really sick and all (including myself) woke up with a minor headache and no other symptoms. The Universe constantly sends signs we can use to improve our lives. Im not 100% on witchcraft but it is interesting to read more about it and to see the comments from other people. I have a witch tattooed on my thigh.. Also have moles on right lower arm An Orion Starseed is not likely to leave issues hanging halfway. If you out your sister have had misfortune fall upon your head is was mostly your aunt. All of the women on my mothers side, including myself, have a rectangular dark patch on our pelvis, just at the level of our public bone on the right hand side and a mole on our left ribcage that is just inside the bottom edge of our bra line under our arm. Right now, I say out loud and dont care who hears mebeam me Scottie, I want to go Home. The formula is Birthdate (Day/Month/Year) + Birthplace (city) + Birth time (exact time) = Your birth chart. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Good article I have a red heart shaped birthmark and mole near my eye with a hair that means its alive muhhaaaa, I have a black square birthmark on my forehead it used to grow hair when i was younger. If your name is that, then there is a possibility. They also freak out when I ask how they are and they reply Im OK. How are you ? Then I say no. Orion Starseed Birthmarks. Here are MORE Physical Signs of a Witch. When my gifts began exposing themselves I pushed them down for lack of understanding. Even on my legs. Orion Starseed people are not afraid to take risks and face their fears. Uncanny. I have a red wine port birthmark on my left palm. The positions of the celestial bodies with each other at the point of your birth make up the star systems. But am still trying to know where i belong . The Orion star system is located about 1 350 light years away from our planet. Much love, Julia. What if we are all a bunch of mutts now? Are you curious if there are any signs on your body or birth chart that show that you are a Starseed? 1. Orion Starseeds are individuals who have incarnated from the star system Orion. It brings awareness, healing, and peace as it helps us understand our purpose and access deep inner wisdom. If you would like to interpret your own chart receive a copy of my new eBook The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin here! Im pretty sure I am a Pleidian Starseed. I have strange knowings and paintings often morph into real life events. are known as traveling souls because theyve experienced several lifetimes on other planets and different dimensions before settling down on Earth. You may be a Reptilian, Lyran, Andromedan, Sirian, Pleiadian, or Arcturian. I sent an email and payment last night for a chart. Let me know in the comments! The biggest hurdle for them usually lies in connecting with their higher selves so that they can draw upon its power and gain clarity on how best to serve others. Orion Starseed - Are You from Orion? Orion traits, mission and Orion starseeds are human and not human at the same time. Do You Have Any of These Witches Marks on Your Skin or Palms? You find that you are a good judge of character, and often at first sight.