In the end I added a new drive and moved the staging folder to it to try and resolve it. The behaviour is made as default on Windows Server 2012. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Additional Information: Back up the files in all replicated folders on the volume. Distributed File System Replication (DFSR) is a replication engine that organizations can use to synchronize folders for servers on network connections that have a limited bandwidth. So I ran this command: I have no idea how to troubleshoot, there's free disk space available, no errors in event viewer. What are the things that Solarwinds cannot do? - Forum - Network It isn't normal for them to remain in that state even after AD replication has reached those DCs and 15 minutes has passed for DFSR AD Polling. The majority of DFSR issues can be avoided by following best practises as you can see by looking at the article below. So I ran this command: Get-DfsrState | ? If you do not specify this parameter, the cmdlet uses the current computer. Get-DfsrBacklog: This command shows you a list of files and replication in the backlog for DFS-R file replication service. In the Process Explorer process list, find the stuck service process and open its properties; Go to the Services tab, find your service and click the Permissions button; Grant the Full Control right in the service permissions for the Administrators group. Start State (0): This is most likely the state your environment is in. =================================================== The majority of DFSR issues arise because of active directory replication issues, inadequate staging quota, sharing violations of open files, a corrupted DFSR database, unexpected dirty database shutdowns, conflicting data modifications, and accidental data deletion. Error: 367 (The process creation has been blocked. Applies to: Windows Server 2012 R2 Periodically robocopy changed files to the new file share until ready to do the final transition.4. An improperly sized / low staging area causes a replication loop occurs or it can even halt. 1. Periodically robocopy changed files to the new file share until ready to do the final transition. The issue continues even on DCs in the same AD site as the PDCE, where AD replication occurs every 15 seconds and where you have run DFSRDIAG.EXE POLLAD on all the DCs. Search for the entry Manage Auditing and Security Log. On all Windows Server 2019 domain controllers, change the DWORD type registry value Local State to 0: On all Windows Server 2019 domain controllers, restart the following services by running the following commands: Verify that SYSVOL has shared on those domain controllers and that SYSVOL is replicating as usual again by using FRS. FRS is deprecated. Date: