a. equifinality b. eclectic integration c. multifinality d. timing. The biopsychosocial model states that biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors are all equally significant ingredients in producing both normal and abnormal behavior.. The main difference between these two systems is the speed with which they act. The Biological Model of Abnormality Chapter Exam - Study.com _____ theory focuses on observable and conscious behaviors, whereas _____ theory focuses on unconscious processes. If we are angry at someone, we may engage in physical or relational aggression to alleviate this stimulation. d. disengagement. How does the humanistic perspective approach psychopathology? Clarify how specific areas of the brain are involved in mental illness. Eventually, the response brought about by the sympathetic nervous system must end. The sociocultural model asserts that race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation all play a role in the development and treatment of mental illness. Students also viewed PSY 381 Chapter 2 48. Then there is the self-serving bias, which is when we attribute our success to our own efforts (dispositional) and our failures to external causes (situational). d. sociocultural. d. disturbing and inaccurate assumptions and attitudes. 64. 82. The synapse consists of three parts the axon of the sending neuron, the space in between called the synaptic space, gap, or cleft, and the dendrite of the receiving neuron. The so-called new wave of cognitive therapy differs from traditional cognitive therapy in that it emphasizes: A goal of behavior-focused therapy is to: replace problematic behaviors with more appropriate ones. However, critics cite obvious ethical issues with conducting such surgeries as well as scientific issues. d. They are the brains attempts to understand abnormal electrical activity. Uni- vs. Multi-Dimensional Models of Abnormality, https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/what-causes-depression, https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/gene, https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/mental-health-causes-mental-illness#1, https://www.cdc.gov/groupastrep/diseases-public/strep-throat.html, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-perfectionists-handbook/201202/can-infections-result-in-mental-illness, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/flu/symptoms-causes/syc-20351719, https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Treatments/Psychotherapy, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-practice/201301/cognitive-restructuring, http://cogbtherapy.com/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-exercises/, https://www.psychologytoday.com/therapy-types/existential-therapy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/index.shtml, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Rates of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are four times greater in women than men. 94. 109. According to Freud, another term for the symbolic meaning of dreams is: a. positive transference. The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness. In contrast, Thanatos, our death instinct, is either directed inward as in the case of suicide and masochism or outward via hatred and aggression. c. intellectualization. Step 1 Neurons waiting to fire are said to be in, Step 2 If adequately stimulated, the neuron experiences an, Step 3 Once the action potential passes from one segment of the axon to the next, the previous segment begins to, Step 4 After the neuron fires, it will not fire again no matter how much stimulation it receives. a. id b. ego c. superego d. personality. Once free, the cat was allowed to eat some food before being promptly returned to the box. 65. In Module 2, we will discuss three models of abnormal behavior to include the biological, psychological, and sociocultural models. d. projection. 165. Respondent conditioning (also called classical or Pavlovian conditioning) occurs when we link a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. c. psychodynamic. c. abnormality arises from an interaction between predisposition and stress. The defense mechanism that BEST explains this behavior is: Nikolai's grandmother has just baked cookies and is placing them on a cooling rack. First, we cannot pay attention to everything going on around us. In terms of the biological model, neurotransmitters, brain structures, hormones, genes, and viral . Elevated levels of this hormone can lead to several problems, including increased weight gain, interference with learning and memory, reduced bone density, high cholesterol, and an increased risk of depression. b. The _____ operates in accord with the pleasure principle. They include hunger, thirst, self-preservation, and sex. A psychologist believes that all dysfunctional behavior is due to past experiences, and that no symptom or behavior is accidental. b. ones values and goals. She died shortly after this interrogation on May 28, 1936. c. tertiary prevention. See Figure 2.5 for an overview of Pavlovs classic experiment. c. Two-thirds of treated couples achieve marital satisfaction by the end of therapy. Lorenzo's therapist frequently reminds him that he has the power to change his situation and that he must take responsibility for his actions. When I was about eight years old, I would walk up the street in my neighborhood, saying, Im Chicken Little and you cant hurt me. Most ignored me, but some gave me the attention I was seeking, a positive reinforcer. The three parts of personality generally work together well and compromise, leading to a healthy personality, but if the conflict is not resolved, intrapsychic conflicts can arise and lead to mental disorders. Secondary or conditioned reinforcers and punishers are not inherently reinforcing or punishing but must be learned. a. Existential therapy is very new, and there hasnt yet been enough time to conduct thorough research. SAD occurs with greater frequency for those living far north or south from the equator (Melrose, 2015). Identify and define important neurotransmitters. Cats were food deprived the night before the experimental procedure was to occur. Racial and ethnic minorities must contend with prejudice, discrimination, racism, economic hardships, etc. The use of these drugs has been generally beneficial to patients. This is called the absolute refractory period. See Figure 2.4 below. How so? List and define the ten defense mechanisms proposed by Freud. 49. b. support the ideas of positive psychology. Second, we must remember what a model does to imitate it. a. Neurotransmitters are released. The biopsychosocial model examines the health and other illnesses and product behavior with biological features and behavioral factors.Several health psychologists work with healthcare experts and patients to help . Those who are not assertive are often overly passive and never get what they want or are unreasonably aggressive and only get what they want. Also, many treatment techniques have been developed and proven to be effective over the years. Before introducing the current main models, it is crucial to understand what a model is. a. long-term memory b. numerical and spatial reasoning c. autonomic nervous system functioning d. feelings of social connectedness among teens, 105. This approach to learning was called connectionism. More on that over the next two sections. Any reference to cognitive processes was dismissed as this was not overt, but covert according to Watson and later Skinner. 36. Clarify how gender factors affect mental illness. 74. c. paradigms. c. superego. Your romantic partner of four years ends the relationship suddenly and cuts off all contact. c. consciousness, unconsciousness, and instincts. 118. For more on the link between cortisol and depression, check out this article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201301/cortisol-why-the-stress-hormone-is-public-enemy-no-1. First, Freud made most of his observations in an unsystematic, uncontrolled way, and he relied on the case study method. Understanding a person's unconscious processes is critical in explaining abnormality. Little Albert made no response outside of curiosity (NSNR not shown). The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness. 34. Another respondent conditioning way to unlearn a fear is called flooding or exposing the person to the maximum level of stimulus and as nothing aversive occurs, the link between CS and UCS producing the CR of fear should break, leaving the person unafraid. c. operant conditioning. Which of the following is NOT influenced by the paradigm to which an investigator subscribes? c. role-playing. The force that is in control in this example is the: a. id. A patient has loss of neurons in the cortex and the basal ganglia. A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a(n) _____ theorist. She is very open about herself and shares her thoughts and opinions freely. c. ego. 44. What exactly are some of the neurotransmitters which are so critical for neural transmission, and are essential to our discussion of psychopathology? These two components pair up as follows: Finally, four properties of operant conditioning extinction, spontaneous recovery, stimulus generalization, and stimulus discrimination are important. This represents the psychodynamic models _____ assumption. Or, they are easily distracted and sits in the back so that all stimuli are in front of him/her. Considered the follow-up to Watson and Rayner (1920), Jones (1924; Figure 2.7) wanted to see if a child who learned to be afraid of white rabbits (Panel B) could be conditioned to become unafraid of them. Likewise, if our action leads to dissatisfaction, then we will not repeat the same behavior in the future. A behavioral psychologist would say that the temper tantrums result from: Which form of therapy helps clients recognize errors in logic and try out new interpretations of events? Evaluating the behavioral model. Which type of theorist would focus on the athletes illogical thinking process as a key factor in her subsequent poor performance? Throughout this book, we will discuss several treatment strategies used to change unwanted, maladaptive cognitions, whether they are present as an excess such as with paranoia, suicidal ideation, or feelings of worthlessness; or as a deficit such as with self-confidence and self-efficacy. d. Each model views childhood trauma as a factor contributing to abnormal behavior. During repolarization the neuron will not fire no matter how much stimulation it receives. Based on related research, we would expect this person to have a _____ number of offline friends and to _____ share information with them. Its a simple strategy, but an important one. 79. List and describe the models of abnormality. b. sociocultural d. people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier. During CBT a therapist will actively work with a person to uncover unhealthy patterns of thought and how they may be causing self-destructive behaviors and beliefs. CBT attempts to identify negative or false beliefs and restructure them. b. resistance. One option to treat severe mental illness is psychotropic medications. During a therapy session, a client is told to pretend the therapist is her parent and to tell her "parent" why she is angry. The nervous system moves quickly with nerve impulses moving in a few hundredths of a second. Overgeneralizing You see a larger pattern of negatives based on one event. c. Cultural factors might create a climate favorable for the development of certain disorders. The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is BEST described as: modifying the client's negative behavior and dysfunctional ways of thinking.