As we gather we remember those who are not with us today - For those who are sick we ask for healing, Fill our hearts today with thankfulness for our veterans who answered the call to defend the honor and just causes of our great nation. I am indebted to Chaplain (COL, Ret.) I thank you for your peace and comfort given to those who lost friends and loved ones on that fateful day and for how you continue to give peace to those who seek it. Prayer For Awarding Ceremony. Its the ancient hymn seeking Gods presence and calling His people to worship. In Jesus name, we pray. Invocation Prayers with Warmth and Wisdom - Inspirational Prayers We acknowledge you as the Almighty and Eternal God of all people, armies an nations. Lord, we come before your throne of grace not trusting in ourselves but in your marvelous and gracious love as it seeks expression among us. The result: God responds. 0000001640 00000 n Give him the wisdom, the courage and the strength to be an effective and compassionate leader. In Jesus Christ's holy name, Amen. Thank you for the families and friends gathered here today. We pray that your presence would be felt in this place and that we would be transformed by your love. Be with us today as we celebrate their graduation and entry into the ranks of those who have served honorably. We thank you for your continued guidance over the destiny of our Regiment of Mounted Riflemen and pray that each of us as Cavalry Troopers will follow your direction throughout our lives. We ask that all the words spoken here will be from Your mouth through us today; may they truly be for Your glory alone, O Lord! Thank you for their family members and friends who provided the support and encouragement these graduates needed to finish their course work. Though theres nothing wrong with seeking His favor over our ministries and events, we must remember, ultimately, were here to serve and glorify Him, not the converse. Forgive us for striving beyond our means, worrying, and forcing results. Call to worship scriptures and prayers are necessary for church and worship programs. Again, Lord, bless this gathering with your presence and each one present with your love. I ask that you will bless in a special way those who have demonstrated the loyalty, discipline, professionalism, and caring that gained them this honor and help them to be an example and inspiration for us all-in all that we do. Any concern over the potential misuse of any copyrighted material on this site should be addressed to the webmaster. It is a huge help with public prayer. These blessings we ask in thy name and for they glory. Thank you for the positive impact he has had on the Soldiers and mission of the brigade. May their hearts be won by our love, and may their lives be turned toward your peace. When posted, all links were deemed to be safe and appropriate, but this website cannot control changes made after they were posted. It is essential to use inclusive language, such as we and us rather than I or me. This helps to create a sense of unity among the congregation, and encourages everyone to participate in the worship service. Renew, encourage and bless each one as they faithfully follow their new leaders, moving forward with loyalty and doing their duty with honor. For most, there is no need to give credit, theyre here for you. "Lord, into your most holy presence we now come. Reveal things, people, or attitudes of our hearts that no longer nurture or nourish our walk with you. Your will for our lives does not always reflect our plans. Keep each of them safe, both in and out of harms way and remind themand usas we wear this uniform, that we defend and represent the freedom that has been won for us by past generations of men and women in uniform. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow The Chaplain Kit and receive notifications of new posts by email. We ask for your protection and guidance as we gather for this worship service. An invocation prayer is a type of opening prayer that is commonly used in worship services to invoke the presence and blessings of God. 0000009469 00000 n To be meek, prausin the original Greek, indicates the quiet strength of the one who, operating self-restraint, stands firm under Gods control. An invocation is a traditional prayer for the support, counsel, or indulgence of an almighty power upon the works of a body of people such as our Rotary Club. We ask for your guiding hand to lead us through this meeting. We pray that you would make our way purposeful and our footsteps firm out of your goodness and love. As we look over this group of graduates today, were also reminded of the great cost of our freedom over the years. In Jesus Name, Amen. On this day we ask for your presence with us as the command of the 5th Squadron, 15th Cavalry Regiment is handed over. I thank you for this day and for this occasion that brings us together, as we uncase the Brigades colors, a ceremony which always reminds me of the strength of our military and the character of our Soldiers. We thank you for giving us another day that we can serve you and that we can gather together for this ceremony. Help them to stay true to their dreams, to use their gifts wisely, and to walk into the future with faith, hope, and great love. Lastly, prayers of invocation reveal our prideful and independent nature. The content was provided by various U.S. Army, U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps personnel as well as several commercial publishers., Heres a PDF file of The United States Air Force Chaplain Corps Book of Prayers: Book of Prayers. I pray that their examples will not only motivate other women to keep the course, but all of us men and women- as we serve together to make our military strong and our nation great. According to Got Questions, Reverence is honor and respect that is deeply felt and outwardly demonstrated. It begins with a properly aligned heart and results in outward expression and praise. These prayers are specially written by the college's Chaplain (or someone in a similar position) to celebrate the students' accomplishments and encouraging them to lead lives that embody the virtues of justice and compassion that have . We come to you this evening with grateful hearts: Grateful for this great country and the freedom we share. Bring to us, we humbly ask you, the time when parents dont have to grieve the loss of their children killed in war; hasten the day when spouses dont have to say goodbye to their loved ones because they serve their country; provide for us, dear Father, a world whose children do not have to grow up without a father or a mother because of the evil that envelopes us. By prayerfully acknowledging our ongoing and desperate need for Him, we annihilate the idol of self and, through the posture of surrender, position ourselves for supernatural strength. Invite God into your time and space in this new way. 25 powerful calls to worship prayers and declarations Again and again, prayer after prayer, David proclaimed Gods goodness and reminded himself of who he was in Him. Opening Prayer For a Church Worship Service or Meeting-Invocation Prayers In Jesus name, we pray. These tendencies birth self-reliance within, dull our spiritual sensitivity, and distance us from God and His power. Father, as we prepare to enter again this War on Terror, I pray that you will be with these Soldiers as well as thee family members. The invocation prayer is one of the oldest types of man-to-God communication recorded. Sign up for her free quarterly newsletterHEREto stay up to date with her future appearances, projects, and releases. Thank you for each one who participated in this ceremony and made it a special event. Provide for her everything that she needs to serve with faithfulness, courage and integrity as she continues the great work that Command Sergeant Major, The Chaplain Kit Beyond the, Establishment of the Army Office of the Chief ofChaplains, First Army African-American CommissionedChaplain, First Army African-American AirborneChaplain, First Army African-American Chief ofChaplains, First Army Female Chaplain in Combat ArmsUnit, First Navy African-American Chief ofChaplains, Places of Divine Worship-Far East AirForces, N.A.S. If a prayer is only adapted by me or is wholly somebody elses, Ill make note of the author if I remember who it was.1. Thank you for the Reserve Brigade Force who maintained operations at home, dealing with the situations of a global pandemic and concerned family members during uncertain times. In fact, thats one of His primary goalsthat we know Him, deeply and intimately, and live continually connected to Him. Any links (including those listed on the Links page) are not guaranteed for their appropriateness or usefulness. Lead us and guide us by thy Good Spirit, strengthen and defend us by thy might, that we may be to our land a sure defense against every enemy. We ask also that you will be with LTC ________________ as he assumes command today. We thank you for the opportunity to come before you this morning. Thank you for your many and abundant blessings. In 2 Chronicles 20, when a vast and vicious army came against the national of Judah, following Gods command to stand firm, the king and his army marched into battle declaring, Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures forever (v. 21). Bless us as we celebrate the history and victories of the Regiment. There is nowhere well go and nothing well experience or embrace where He is not right there with us. An Invitation to Christian Discipleship Thank you, Lord, for the strong leadership of CSM ______________ during his time in 5-15. Born of the Virgin Mary. 33 Days To Morning Glory Consecration Prayer, Is Hillsong United Part Of Hillsong Church, Why Did The Catholic Church Introduce Tropes, What Does The Bible Say About Non Denominational Churches, How Politics Poisoned The Evangelical Church, Why Church And State Should Not Be Separated. Lord, we count our might not in numbers or weapons, but in our allegiance to you, for, the battle is the Lords.. She has a passion for helping women discover, embrace, and live out who they are in Christ. Enable us so increasingly to know the sources of true strength and courage that throughout all our days we may ever grow more kindly in thought, more gentle in word, more generous in deed. Rather, were asking Him to make us alert to Him; to help us experience Him in all His fullness and to soften the hearts of all present so that theyre receptive to Him. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, Jesus said (Matt. You have commanded the light to shine out of darkness and awakened us again to praise your goodness and to work for the common good of all. When crafting an invocation prayer, it is important to focus on God and his attributes, make the prayer specific to the worship service and the needs of the congregation, use inclusive language, and use scriptural references or quotes to support the petitions or requests. Thank you for their commitment to the United States that brings them to this point in history along side the many who have served before them. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. God give us a joyous spirit of celebration of our nations veterans and their families. Thank you for this day you have given us and for this occasion that brings us together as we honor these Service Members who are retiring. A fewthoughts aboutprayers: Some chaplains bristle at the thought of writing a prayer or praying a written prayer. The sample prayers listed here are some of the prayers you could pray while opening a birthday day. Be, for all of us troopers, a wise counsel in keeping peace and a strong shield for us against our enemies. Thank you for their leaders who have rained them to be the best soldiers that they can be. Opening Prayer For Church Service: 5 Powerful Examples When Jesus saw the paralytic man being lowered through the roof, he saw the faith of the man's friends. By focusing on the purpose, structure, and delivery of the prayer, and by using inclusive language, scriptural references or quotes, and keeping the prayer concise, it is possible to create a powerful and meaningful invocation prayer that sets the tone for the worship service and invokes the presence and blessings of God. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. We approach God in a posture of submissionunpretentious and unassuming. Why? offers Prayers , Prayer points, Novena prayers, Sermons, Bible verses and Christian articles to help you grow in your Faith. The website is not specifically Christian but rather is dedicated to the history of military chaplaincy. It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect (Psalm 18:32). And finally, O Lord God Almighty Creator of all things visible and invisible: grant unto me an awareness of what You are doing right now both within my life personally but also throughout this congregation as a whole; grant me clarity about what needs fixing so that when I return home tonight I might have something meaningful to share with my family members over dinner tonight or tomorrow morning at breakfast, I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. Again we thank you for this time together and for all who have gathered here today. Amen., Gracious and compassionate God, we come before you today with open hearts and minds, ready to receive all that you have for us. for streams of water, The Bible said that our strength lies in God, and so we must have faith that He would keep us from evil. This heritage which provides strong and colorful threads in Americas fabric contributes to not just the beauty of America, but also the strength of our nation and the might of our military. Good and upright is the Lord, David prayed, therefore He instructs sinners in His ways (Psalm 25:8, NLT). God, for the joy of this occasion we thank you. Let us desire to become more like you and to worship you in all we do. Thank you also, Lord, for their families and friends that stand behind them cheering them on to success. Opening prayer for a high school graduation. You are my help and my deliverer; O my God, do not delay (Psalm 40:17). Forgive us for not honoring you with our whole heart. Praise doesnt just remind us of Gods power; it releases it. Thank you for all that they have done to see their battalions, and the brigade as a whole, experience mission success both at home and abroad. She also helped write Wholly Loved Ministries Bible study titledBecoming His Princess, (available in ebook form forFREE HERE!) One important aspect of an invocation prayer is the use of language. Thank you, also, for each one who has made the time and exerted the effort to be here today to be part of this noble effort. We ask that you be with us today as we celebrate their accomplishment and help us to remember that it is because of you that we have life and can accomplish anything. Strengthen us as we make tough decisions. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic (Psalm 29:4). Thank you for this day you have given us and especially for this occasion that brings us together as we celebrate the accomplishments of these graduates here tonight. Yet I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. Do not interpret this standard as an attempt to instruct your prayers or their contentbut in the interest of Soldiers standing in the formation we need to be spiritual leaders, military professionals and technically proficient at disciplined public prayer. Prayer for Fruitfulness Dear Lord, I pray that You guide us always. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? Renew in us clean spirits, O God, and cheerful hearts, that with all our fellow-men, particularly those whose labors support our own, we may ever grow in mutual respect and helpfulness. We ask for your direction and guidance. In the name and spirit of the holy child, Jesus our Lord, we pray. This prayer point is to pray for a healthy life, and to commit the celebrant into God's care and protection. based on the life of Sarah from the Old Testament, and maintains a devotional blog found atJenniferSlatteryLivesOutLoud.comand on her Crosswalk-hosted blog foundHERE. We pray that everything that we say and do this morning will please you and also that it will bring glory, honor and praise to your name. Most of these prayers are original to me, though a few have been adapted from other prayers passed on to me or that I found online. Finally, Lord, I pray that you will bless the food that we will be enjoying this afternoon; that it will be a nourishment to our bodies that we might grow stronger to serve better. (Debbie McDaniel). 0000002842 00000 n Amen.. Thanks you very much Sirs for this collection of prayers. Help us desire these things so much more than the sin that entices us. Reset our agendas, as we sit in Your presence. Go with us now, Lord we pray, as we reluctantly return to the world out there. May the nightmares of all wars cease, so that healing can take place. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven; And was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary: And was made man: And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried: And on the third day He rose again according to Scriptures: And ascended into heaven: And sits at right hand of His Father whence He shall come to judge both quick and dead: Whose kingdom shall have no end.. 24 22 I pray that you will be with us all during this observance today that everything that is said and done will be pleasing to you, honoring to the women present, and an encouragement to us all. Thank you too for the friends and family members gathered here. We ask you to bestow your blessings upon our regiment. You have shown us your power on the beaches of Normandy and in the streets of Berlin. Why you might ask? We thank you for this great country and your providential care over us as you have sustained us through many difficult time sin our history. LORD, as we gather this morning to worship you in song and prayer and service, I pray that you would give us your wisdom and energy. I pray that their experiences here at Knox will strengthen them even more for the mission that lies before them. Those who are poor in Spirit recognize their need for God and their utter dependence on Him. This means, the moment we bow our heads to God, we can trust He is in our midst. These examples of opening prayers for meetings, church worship and bible studies serve as the perfect examples of the type of prayers you can use at your next event. You are mighty, O Lord, and Your faithfulness surrounds You" (Psalm 89:8). How To Become A Deacon In The Catholic Church. May we never forget the price that has been paid for our freedom and grant us the courage to protect what you have give us. An invocation prayer typically includes several key components, including an opening statement, a petition or request, and a closing statement or benediction. O Lord, my God, thank you that you promise to bring satisfaction and fulfillment to all our desires. We give You thanks for being with them every step of their journey in the Army and we Know You will continue to be with them in their future. I thank you for this day you have given us and for this occasion that we gather together to celebrate the alliance which exists between the United States and the Republic of Korea, particularly tonight- in the Intelligence community. I thank you for your presence with us during this graduation ceremony. 30 Thanksgiving Prayers - Thank you for your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Dear God, Thank you for your great love and blessing over our lives. Go with us now, Lord we pray, as we reluctantly return to the world out there. May they know the blessing of serving. Amen. For a Thankful Heart. Heavenly Father, thank you for this time that we have spent together learning more about you and worshiping your name. Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. We are gathered again in celebration of the safe return of 3-159 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion from Iraq. We thank you for this day and for this ceremony that brings us together, which reminds us not only of the strength of our Armed Forces but also the freedom of our nation. Prayers of Invocation - In The Word Ministries We realize that it is our ability to work together that preserves the armistice and protects the freedom and independence of our friends. More power and God Bless always. We give You thanks today for the many years of service and sacrifice of all of our retirees and their family members who have made tremendous sacrifices of their own in support of the Army and the nation, and in furthering the cause of freedom worldwide. The prayer of invocation isnt fancy or mysterious but it is humble and serious. Prayer isnt about us convincing or cajoling God to bless our plans and desires. Bring to us, we humbly ask you, the time when parents dont have to grieve the loss of their children killed in war; hasten the day when spouses dont have to say goodbye to their loved ones because they serve their country; provide for us, dear Father, a world whose children do not have to grow up fatherless because of the sin that envelopes us; and be victorious, Almighty God, over the Evil One, establish your Kingdom on Earth finally and forever, that we may enjoy your loving and peaceful presence for all eternity. Look with pity on the suffering of this family in their loss. When this happens we relegate God to a subordinate place on our lives. Lord, I want to surrender to You completely. Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen Father Lord, let your will be done in this fellowship. 0000008669 00000 n Dear God in Heaven, We come to you today with grateful hearts for your presence with us and your goodness to us. Dear God, Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. This gathering reminds us of our freedom as Americans and we are grateful to you for that freedom and for what it means to us all. This standard is also appropriate for public prayer during indoor ceremonies with troop formations. I ask now that you will particularly bless those participating in the program, in the hope that everything that is said and done will be pleasing to you. In short, its intentionally remembering that He is God and we are not. We praise You for Your goodness and mercy. Thank you for their love and support which enabled these officers to successfully complete their studies. As we invoke His blessings over our events and ministries, may we use the opportunity to confess our sins, repent of them, and relinquish our desires and plans for His. Finally Lord, we pray that you will bring real peace to our land, so that we can rest in safety and comfort and not have to send our sons and daughters into harms way. Shift our perspective to seek Your peace above all else. Dear Lord, as we face the difficult days that are ahead, help us all to remember the words that you spoke through your prophet Isaiah saying: For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your rihgt hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you (Isaiah 41:13, NIV). Thank you for their accomplishments and their commitments. We pray that your spirit would fall afresh upon us and that we would be renewed in our love for you. 6 Powerful and Timely Prayers for Our Military - All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful (v.10). An invocation prayer can also serve as a reminder to the congregation of the reason for the service and to focus their hearts and minds on God. Commencement Invocations And Benedictions In Schools Around The United States. Thank you, also, for these soldiers here today who have volunteered to serve their country during this very important time in our history. Support us in the day of battle, and in the time of peace keep us safe from all evil: endow us with courage and loyalty, and grant that in all things we may serve thee and our country without reproach. (Psalm 42:1-2, CEV), What you say to one another is eternal. 5 Invocation Prayers for a Christian Wedding - Learn Religions Prayer 1 We are the clay, His people under His care. 0000002918 00000 n Ask Me. In your precious and holy name I pray, amen. Lord, Delta Troop has seen a lot of good times and a few bad ones this cycleand you have been with them through it all. I thank you for their many, many years of faithful and honorable service to our nation as they have been a part of our military which has brought freedom and peace to many people around the world, while preserving our own. Invocation prayers focus on worshipping God and seeking His presence in the gathering. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We give you thanks today for the United States. I thank you, dear Lord, for each of the instructors represented here, who are so integral to the training of the force. We thank you for your comfort and blessings in our lives and for the knowledge that you see our needs, hear our prayers an desire to bless us as your people. Such men that embody Tous Pour UnUn Pour Tous All for one and one for all. We give you thanks today for your providence for these great scouts. Forgive us for taking that. This booklet includes both contributed prayers from Air Force Chaplains as well as Army and Navy Chaplains; and also includes several significant historical prayers. Invocation Prayer For Worship Service - We ask you to help us to remember the courage and the heroic achievements of past Brave Riflemen who served you and now entrust the lineage of our regiment to us. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. (LogOut/ He goes before us to prepare our way and level the mountains, break down gates of iron and bronze, and cut through bars of iron (Isaiah 45:2). These simple and short prayers will help you invite the Holy Spirit into your heart and minds and bless your time together. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Establish the work of our hands and bring to fulfillment all that you have given us to do in these days. This can include requests for guidance, protection, and blessings for the congregation and the leaders of the service. Amen.. Be with us now, dear Lord, as we celebrate this heritage and these contributions Let this celebration be not just educational for those of us who may not be fully aware, but also appreciative to all those who have given us so much. Be for them all that they need you to be just now and continue to provide for them in every way in the days, weeks, months and years ahead that they face life without their husband, father and son. Thank you again and again, and God bless you. Bless them in these days, encourage them, strengthen them, and help us all to appreciate the special contributions that are theirs. Thank you for this day that you have given to us and for this occasion that brings us together which reminds us of the strength of our military and the freedom it defends, as well as the role that the 501st plays in the defense of freedom here in Korea. Keep the words of King David fresh in our minds, and renew our hearts to the tune of Your truth.I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Psalm 3:5 NIV Let Your peace rain down on us today, as we seek You more than anything else. HdUn0}WQjmG*l7E#%! Here is a sample opening prayer that you can use: "Father, we come before You today with humble hearts. Short Opening Prayer for a Program, Meeting or Event - Prayerscapes Its stated purpose is to provide the Air Force Chaplain Service with a resource of prayers relevant to the varied occasions they encounter in military ministry. One editorial note: it seems the order or arrangement of the pdf file is out of order, which many of the preliminary sections being at the end. Lord, into your most holy presence we now come.