Carla Del Ponte, Chief Prosecutor at the Milosevic trial, stated: No state organisation is on trial here today. "Now the world is watching the sausage being made," Bigtree said. ICAN filed lawsuits against health agencies for vaccine misinformation and is demanding more meaningful drug trials. This hostility towards public health interventions manifests itself with a refusal to take responsibility to do anything that decreases the risk of COVID-19 transmission. COVID CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY?-The Highwire with Del Bigtree by Richard Dicker and Paloma van Groll. There is no COVID-19 "casedemic." The pandemic is real and deadly. These crimes include the most egregious violations of human dignity, especially those directed towards civilian populations. His wife came along, administering oxygen. Thats perfectly OK. We could go there. Text reading "model proceeding" is inthe bottom right-hand corner oflivestreamsonYouTube and Odysee, another video-sharing platform. On January 13, Bigtree shared a video from an Indiana woman who claimed that a COVID-19 vaccine caused her to start experiencing convulsions during all waking hours. Why India's COVID-19 Catastrophe Is Indeed a 'Crime Against Humanity' Its not just harassment and political resistance. subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. Numerous calls have been issued since the late 1990s for the Holodomor to be termed a genocide. Thank God theres drugs out there! National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, Steven P. Novella, MD Founder and Executive Editor, David H. Gorski, MD, PhD Managing Editor, FTC warns naturopaths, acupuncturists, physicians, and chiropractors about false and misleading COVID-19 claims, pseudoscience- and misinformation-filled letter, unholy alliance between antivaxxers and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists, affinity between antivaxxers and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists, 5G somehow predisposes to (or even causes) COVID-19, sacrifice grandpa and grandma in order to save the economy, major risk factor for death from COVID-19, difficult to remove vulnerable unvaccinated students from school, surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician. Since then, theres even more evidence suggesting that masks work to prevent the spread of COVID-19. I was really, really not feeling well at all at that point, he recalled. Those whove struggled with weight problems know that you cant just flip a switch and bring your weight under control, just as those whove become addicted to, for example, alcohol or tobacco, cant just flip a switch and stop drinking and smoking, even though they know their addictions are having adverse effects on their health. That was on the night of May 20. Of course, COVID-19 is far worse than just a common cold. Protesters, some armed, showed up at her home in the Columbus suburbs several times. In a gut-wrenching op-ed in The Guardian and The Wire on April 29, 2021, Arundhati Roy used the term "crime against humanity" to describe immeasurable grief and human . UN Talks on Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Make Progress, But Also Reveal Hurdles. Crimes against humanity have often been committed as part of State policies, but they can also be perpetrated by non-State . Civilization can afford no compromise with the social forces which would gain renewed strength if we deal ambiguously or indecisively with the men in whom those forces now precariously survive.. America Waking Up to Vaccine Dangers: Del Bigtree Were not on drugs, and we dont need to be on drugs. Wisconsin state health director Jeanne Ayers was asked to resign in early May, at a time when COVID-19 cases in the state had surpassed 10,000, and top officials would not say why. Despite this, the prohibition of . I note that Bigtree just turned 50, so hes entering the age range of elevated risk. "We are, indeed, at war," she . But I was thinking, you know what, maybe its a bad test, he remembered. Wearing masks and contact tracing, with targeted quarantines, are thought to be our best options to be able to emerge from lockdowns and revive the economy, and yet the unholy alliance of antivaxxers and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists feverishly resist these measures, too. Things have gotten ugly, said one Northern California health officer who asked not to be named over personal safety concerns. The original video refers to a "criminal investigation" that is "modeled after United States Grand Jury proceedings." However, the hostility towards public health interventions goes beyond anger at the economic consequences of lockdowns. The mutual legal assistance initiative focuses on the creation of a modern and detailed framework for mutual legal assistance and extradition in . The group behind the original 90-minute video from which the clip is taken, called "Grand Jury,"didn't claim it showed a real trial. You are pharmaceutical-dependent. Obviously, I need blood transfusions, which goes against so much of what I try to do with my health, taking other peoples blood.. This essay focuses on action in the Sixth Committee for two reasons. Amy Acton Fan Club yard signs. Doctors and scientists say both the Moderna and . Photo: US Government, Public Domain, The death of Covid patients just for non-supplying of oxygen to the hospitals is a criminal act and not less than a genocidehow can we let people die in this way?. Everything everything, was an instrument in the service of his quest for power. In the mock trial, the "Grand Jury" is the online audience and the trial is "held" in the "Court of Public Opinion," according to captions on YouTube and Odysee. And no records are kept regarding what vaccines, if any, particular donors have received. This emphasis on documentation as material witness to the events was a radical shift in the way trials were to be held: We will not ask you to convict these men on the testimony of their foes. The disturbing video went viral across major social media platforms. The Highwire with Del Bigtree World renown vaccine specialist, Geert Vanden Bossche, gave a groundbreaking interview this week risking his reputation and his career by bravely speaking out against administration of #Covid19 vaccines. It was one of many examples of TNA and other individuals and entities warning over and over again, early . In its annual report, Trial International, a Geneva-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) even points to a rise in . A treaty on crimes against humanity could be developed either outside of, or adjacent to, the United Nations. Lets go outside. What Bigtree is doing when he says, You do not get to make me pharmaceutical-dependent is that he is signaling to his followers that he is preemptively refusing a coronavirus vaccine before one has even been approved by the FDA. Even if that is true, he seems oblivious to the law of large numbers and unconcerned that, if one million people catch the disease, that means 2,600 dead and that if 100 million people catch the disease (as could happen) that means 260,000 dead. Well, I must have, like, COVID, he recalled telling himself in mid-May. He had a primary worry that only an anti-vaxxer could have. I like the finer things in life. A Brazilian Senate report has recommended pursuing crimes against humanity and other charges against President Jair Bolsonaro over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Del Ponte made the horrifying and yet simple point about Milosevic: Many victims cannot come before you because they did not survive. Important DOCUMENTS to USE: David Martin on 'Felony Crimes End Pharma The party claims all its actions are in the national interest, where national interest is defined by ignoring historical contexts of intercultural existence. Brazil's Bolsonaro accused of crimes against humanity over COVID Anyone whos read my work, either here on this blog or over at my not-so-super-secret other blog should know that I do not downplay the severity of measles.) During the last minute and a half or so of The Real Truthers version, there are shown a series of photographs of people who were young (or, at most, middle aged) and otherwise healthy who died of COVID-19, the youngest of whom was 22. Covid-19: Pharmaceutical giants, Gates, Fauci, UK - The Rio Times Anwar R was a supervisor of Eyad al-Gharib, who was convicted in February last year for aiding and abetting crimes against humanity in Syria. USA TODAY has previously debunked similar claims. For example, how many times have we seen antivaxxers denying the very concept of herd immunity, at least due to vaccines? Think about it though. He also falsely claimed that COVID-19 can be cured by hydroxychloroquine. Heidi Larson, for those of you who dont know who she is, is the director of the Vaccine Confidence Project, a group dedicated to combatting vaccine hesitancy. Tell a prominent oncologist about a cancer clinic in Cancun with a branch in Tijuana and you are likely to see eyebrows rise. Alieu Kosiah's appeal could land him a life sentence as he faces additional charges of crimes against human . For example, the Statute of the International Criminal Court defines a crime against humanity as any of a series of acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic . Fact check: No evidence of cancer spike linked to COVID-19 vaccines. 13/May/2021. Then came the Facebook post: a photo of her and other health officials with comments about their weight and references to armed citizens and bodies swinging from trees.. #ProVax #ItAintJustTheCovidVax #BeforeCovid #ChildhoodVaccines Similarly, it never seems to trouble antivaxxers like Bigtree or COVID-19 deniers, the vast majority of whom are white and at least middle class if not affluent, that COVID-19 has exacted a much worse toll on African-Americans and other people of color, who are far more likely to suffer severe disease and die. Smoking does hugely predispose you to lung and cardiovascular diseases, for example. If we. Her neighbors counter-protested in her front yard and put up Dr. Thats not to downplay the severity of measles. The anti-vaxxers insist they know better, or at least until they try it. And the ongoing scandals around the coronavirus COVID19 vaccine are adding even more scrutiny to the industry. You really need four bags of Doritos or Chitos or Fritos or whatever the heck it is, little cupcakes with synthetic icing on them?